Fin Brennan

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A story in alphabet form

Happy Friday all! I hope you had a nice week. We are now in February already which is terrifying. I have stories to tell about what I have been up to. But, today I want to share something I wrote during a recent writers group meeting. It is a piece with the start of each line in alphabetical order. I hope you like it. See you at the end.

All he ever wanted to do was write

Because all he ever knew was writing

Countless hours were spent clacking on his keyboard

Down in the basement where

Everything made sense

For once

“Good morning, world”

He would think to himself

In the darkness of a winters day

Just as the world was beginning to wake up and he

Kindly reminded himself of the big picture

Lamenting on time wasted

Mourning the loss of friendships

Now that he only focussed


Pleasing those he never met who never

Questioned his credibility and start

Ruining his

Sense of belonging

To his creative heroes

Under which he knelt before

Voraciously consuming

Whatever they produced in from of him

Xenophobic or not, he didn’t care he

Yielded to his favourite writers

Zealous to a fault

Did you like it? It’s a bit silly, I know. I recently attended an open mic in Dublin and I am going to tell you all about my travels on Monday. So, you have that to look forward to. Thank you for reading and thank you for your time.