Fin Brennan

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An Ideas Guy

There is a certain irony when you sit down to write your weekly blog and can’t decide what to write about. You refer to your ideas list, ultimately deciding to write about ideas in general. Does that make sense? I have accumulated a vast list of creative ideas, which has almost become too much for me. That’s what I am going to write about today. Welcome to Monday, by the way.

I had a lovely Culture Night, by the way. I managed to go to two events. In one night? Yes. Madness, I know. There is a problem with Culture Night, which is pretty much unavoidable. You can go to anything, just not everything. I attended a poetry reading/competition (Jack’s daughter won one of the prizes!) and the old faithful So Say So at Wexford Arts Centre. I didn’t perform at any event. But one thing I can always rely on is being inspired. It’s a common idea within the creative community that consuming art helps you realise what you like and, almost just as importantly, what you don’t like. Often, ideas come to me when watching others—ideas for poems, stories, blogs, etc.

I am telling you; you wouldn’t believe the number of ideas in my ideas folder on my phone. It’s overwhelming—maybe too overwhelming. I haven’t had a proper readthrough of the ideas in a while, and I guarantee that a lot of them aren’t relevant anymore. I guess my idea accumulation is quicker than my idea implementation.

I know I am not alone in this. I am sure most of my creative friends have their secret stash of ideas that they haven’t used yet. This is why I have been calling myself an “ideas guy” recently. I have become my own worst enemy when it comes to creative projects. I have good days and bad days. Certain factors affect my daily life (life itself being one of them), which leads to less creative output. At least the ideas keep coming.

Before this becomes a “woe is me” blog, let me just say that things like Culture Night or when I surround myself with creative output by others keep me going. I have hope for my creative future and present. The motivation will come and go, whether from my peers or anything else. One thing that is for sure is that I will always be, at least, an ideas guy.

That’s enough from me. I plan on doing creative work for the rest of the day. By the time you see this, it will either be good news or bad news. I hope it’s the former. Thank you for reading and for your time.