Autumn and time

My writers’ group has returned. I finally have things to share on Fridays. Friday Fiction is back, baby! Today’s first piece was created by taking two characters and two words associated with autumn. Here is what I wrote. I hope you enjoy it. Autumn is here.

“Mam, I don’t feel well!” Francis called out from his bedroom door.

Francis’ mother, Leslie, entered the room in a panic. It was already half past eight and he was going to be late for school.

“Ah, pet. Let me feel your temperature”, she said placing her cold hand on his burning forehead.

“But what if I fall behind? Everyone will make fun of me!” Francis blubbered, trying to sit up.

“Frankie, honey, you’ll be okay. It’s only been a couple of weeks” Leslie reassured.

Francis had just started senior infants. It was coming into October. The park was rich with golden yellow leaves. Leslie brought her son to the park every day after school. It was his favourite place to be. In that sea of mellow orange and bright yellow. He spent his time frolicking through the mountains of leaves and loose tree bark. He loved rolling down the steep grassy hills. Today, there was a slight glimmer of hope that he would be able to go to the park, despite being under the weather.

Later that afternoon, Leslie came into Francis’ room with a warm cup of vegetable soup.

“Can we go to the park now?” he asked sheepishly.

“I’ll go get your coat” Leslie smiled, placing the cup of soup on his nightstand for later.

Cute, right? It was somewhat inspired by my time in primary school and spending time with my own mother before my sister was born. It’s her birthday tomorrow, actually. Shout out to her. She’s great.

The next piece posed the question would you rather have endless time or endless money? Here is what I wrote.

I would rather have endless time. I would have all the time in the world. I could walk, write, read and listen to music. I would have the perfect day every day. It would be great.

Do you agree with me? You are entitled to your own opinion. I stand by mine. That’s all I have for you today. I may be going to a poetry event this evening. I am currently on the fence. I will let you know next week if I fell off or not.

Thank you for reading. Happy Autumn. Thank you for your time.


Sh*t at Sundays


Cry if I wanna