
Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy your stay. This is the first blog post of said blog. If you are reading this, you may know who I am. If not, my name is Fin, and I am a writer. I started this blog as a way to start taking this whole writing thing seriously. One of the most comforting things I have learnt in the past couple of years is that all writers struggle with creating. Actually, all creatives struggle with their art. Do you consider writing an art? I do. One of the most well-known modern screenwriters, Aaron Sorkin, has said in several interviews that he is in a constant state of writer’s block. Aaron Sorkin has an Academy Award. That’s huge for a guy who can’t ever come up with ideas.

That’s my inspiration. As of writing, I honestly don’t know how this is going to go. I don’t want to promote anything; because I don’t have anything to promote right now. There are literally only these words that you are reading right now. If you are wondering what kind of writing I write, the short answer is a little bit of everything. I have been reading a lot of poetry lately. Mostly the works of the g.o.a.t John Cooper Clarke. So, potentially, the next post will be a poem or two. Maybe six. I don’t know. There are no rules here. I make the rules. I am the captain now (Captain Philips, what’s up?).

My dog, Pepper is currently barking her head off. This must be what it is like to be a writer. It’s all about the parts where you are not writing. For me, that is most of the time. I went to see Green Day live recently and had a conversation with my friend about the grind of touring as a musician. I recounted that most professional musicians would tell you that the easy part of touring is the actual performance. Everything else is difficult to navigate. I wrote in my journal this morning something interesting (nothing too racy, don’t worry). I realised that my perfect scenario for writing daily may never happen. I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that. There will never be a perfect set-up. You just have to go for it. This is what this blog must be for me. Welcome to my perfect set-up, I guess.

Fun fact: as of writing this, I haven’t promoted this blog publicly at all. It’s a strange feeling knowing that this will be on the internet for people to read very soon. Once again, I hope you enjoy whatever this blog will become. I hope the format works for you. Do me a favour: read this post and then read my latest post and let me know if I kept to my word. My word is that I have posted at least once a week and that it’s consistent. It’s all about accountability buddies, buddies.

That’s all from me. Welcome once again. Thanks for reading and have a lovely day.


Monday Sun-day Fun day