Busy bee

When I woke up this morning, all I could think about how busy I am today and how busy I will be over the next few days. I love it. I hate it. I “late” it. A lot of this busyness is the result of saying yes. A lot of this busyness is my commitments catching up on me for better or worse.

I have no idea if this post will meet my word count requirement. As you are reading this, just know that I am literally taking a brain dump all over this word document. That is disgusting. I apologise.

I woke up late this morning. That was not a good start. The morning times are crucial for me. I hate noise. I love music, hate noise. Wrap your head around that. It is good to keep busy. They always say that. Depending on how I feel when that is being relayed to me, I either tell them they are very correct or tell them to go to hell. It’s a flip of the coin really.

When I have been thinking about the fact that I am so busy today, the comedian Nick Helm comes to mind. If you don’t know who that is, you are missing out. Part of his act is writing songs and poems. He has appeared on 8 Out of 10 Cats does Countdown many times. On one occasion, he read a poem called “busy bee”. That is all I’ve been thinking about this morning as I feel the upcoming dread of stress bubble away in my stomach. That is kind of disgusting too. I apologise, again. Hence, the title of this post.

I should count my blessings because a lot of the busyness centres on activities that are quite fun. I am a lucky, busy boy. A lucky, busy bee…boy.

I get to be on a stage tonight. Granted I won’t be performing on it but that is still cool. I get to have drinks and be sociable too. We suffered enough the past couple of years not being able to do that. I am going to go now. I am very busy today. Did I mention that?

Thank you for reading this borderline mental breakdown whine fest. There are big things coming up in the pipeline. I can feel it. But that just might be the aforementioned anticipation bubbling away.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a stressless day.




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