Friday F(r)iction

Yesterday I was excited. Like, really excited. My creative projects were coming together nicely, and I was making myself dizzy thinking about how I would proceed. Everything was coming up Milhouse. Life was peachy. Other cliché phrases. Then, today happened. As my friend Fred would say, it is just one of those days. I will stop now and say that today’s blog will not be a downer. That’s what Monday is for. I have an exciting announcement at the end of this blog, so keep reading to find out what it is. I am excited.

This week’s Friday Fiction won’t contain any fiction. However, I will allude to some fiction you haven’t seen yet. Let me tell you about a comedian I love. His name is Seann Walsh. You may have seen him on TV. He is my second favourite comedian. Lee Evans is my number one and always will be. Seann was interviewed on The Russell Howard Hour a few years ago, and they discussed ageing and how being in your twenties is the best time of your life. To that, Seann said:

I’m glad I’m out of my twenties. I was mis-sold on the twenties. [everyone] is told, ‘oh, best years of your life.’ I, fucking, hope not. Living on a diet of cigarettes, black coffee and Jager bombs, then wondering why it is I’m depressed throughout the day. That was it. That was my twenties, going around going, ‘I hate my life! I’m such a failure!’ I didn’t know that all I needed was a fucking…orange!

That spoke to me at a time I needed to hear it. Seann’s stand-up mostly talks about how much of a mess he is, and I admire his honesty. I see myself in him. I hope one day I can thank him for inspiring me.

Long story short, my debut poetry collection is in the works, and this week I have assembled it to its first draft. I am incredibly excited to share it with everyone. When? You tell me. I haven’t figured that out just yet. I will let you know when I have a release date and further details of where you can purchase said collection (for a reasonable price). It will be sooner rather than later, that I know for sure.

I could moan about why it won’t be released sooner, but that’s what Mondays are for. See you then. I hope you have a lovely weekend. I am going to see Keith Barry tomorrow night. A fellow Waterford lad. You look great today. Thank you for reading, and thank you for your time.


I hate to complain…but


Let me be