Giving up

Welcome, welcome, welcome. That’s the intro to Scroobius Pip’s Distraction Pieces Podcast. Have you listened? You should. That’s all I have to say on that matter. How about some writing?

My writers’ group homework prompt was: “Fill in the blank: I’m giving up_because_”. Here is what I wrote:

I am giving up giving up because I know that the future Fin will not be thankful. They say that you regret the things you didn’t do rather than the things you did. I am sick and tired of making myself unhappy by just giving up at the first hurdle. The obstacle is the way. Memento Mori. You know the drill. I am giving up giving up because I know that all I want is a step outside of my comfort zone, and that is something not worth giving up on.

I was not in the best of moods when I wrote this. I have to kind of laugh at myself now. Plus, everyone else seemed to be going down a similar root with theirs when we all shared. Misery loves company. I think that’s what that means.

What’s that? What’s going on with my poetry collection? Well, I will tell you. Hopefully, I will talk to a local publisher soon about helping me get this bloody thing into the world. For the record, I already had plans to do this all myself. Maybe I still will. You don’t know. I don’t know, either. I will also be talking to some trusted individuals with feedback about the collection and whether or not it is good. That’s a lie. I already know it’s good. I guess, as the old saying goes, watch this space.

I already have a piece for next Friday, so don’t worry. It’s kind of a sweet one too. That’s something to look forward to. Come back on Monday for a bit of a moan.

Thank you, as always, for reading. Kumquats. Have a great weekend. Thank you for your time.


Talk to someone


I hate to complain…but