Huck and Billie go to the beach

Its Monday. I went to the lovely coastal town of Dun Laoghaire with Billie a while ago. It was during that crazy couple of weeks that I went to Billy Talent and The Chats, meeting up with many lovely friends of mine along the way. I don’t have much to moan about, so it’s another Monday story time for you. Enjoy. Welcome, by the way.

I had an idea. Having known Billie for a while through college and him being a Dub, I wanted to explore somewhere neither of us had been before. Billie being from the north side, it was set in stone that somewhere on the south side would be the place to go. Billie picked Dun Laoghaire, a famous seaside town where most south Dubliners flock to when the sun comes out. I was excited to go. I didn’t know what to expect. I expected a quaint area, sure. Maybe it would be too quaint.

I got the bus up because, you know, Billie and I would be having a drink or two. The night before, I had an awful time trying to match up a bus with a train to bring me out to Dun Laoghaire, where we would meet. I had a layover of about an hour. Luckily, it gave me time to hydrate enough in the sun. It is very strange writing about this and hearing the rain outside. We had a good run, didn’t we?

The train journey out was nice. It was about 20 minutes. I got to see a part of Dublin I am not used to. It was refreshing. I arrived and immediately realized I needed to pee. I drank half a litre of water. What was I expecting? When Billie arrived, finding a toilet was priority number one. Billie is great in a time of crisis like that. It’s one of the reasons I love him. Anyway, I did what any person who needs a toilet and is a born risk-taker would do. That’s right…I snuck into a pub and did it there. The trick is to look like you’re looking for someone. It worked a charm.

We then headed along the pier and enjoyed the sunshine. It was a spectacular day. As we walked around, we knew it was coming up to lunchtime. But where to go? Well, Dun Laoghaire has one of the only Nandos on the island. I had only ever been to Nandos once before. I remembered it fondly, as do most Brits. I think. Probably. It felt very British to sit in weather slightly better than what we are used to here and eat Nandos. I had a chicken burger, in case you were wondering.

The next item on our agenda was a place to drink to our hearts’ content. We had to watch ourselves because I was due to be at an OTT show that evening and Billie, unfortunately, had to go to a wake. Billie spotted a Wetherspoons, which is quite the skill of a Dubliner. It seemed like another good choice. We queued up at the bar and were served by a friendly English man. We laughed at all the British beers on tap. It was a Wetherspoons, after all. As we sat down, we realized something. British summer weather, Nandos, Wetherspoons, in a place neither of us had been to before and served by an English barman surrounded by tourists. We were basically on a foreign holiday! It was very trippy. The only thing keeping us sane was seeing the occasional Dublin Bus go by. We had a lovely time and parted ways around 5 pm.

Okay, so we didn’t go to the beach. As I have reiterated several times, I am not a fan of the beach. I am not sure what Bilie’s stance is. I will have to ask him. That’s enough blabbering on for one day. I hope you had a nice day and are having an even nicer evening. I hope to go for a walk soon. I hope these showers stop for a minute. All this reminiscing is making me miss the sun for once.

Thank you for reading. I am going to Iron Maiden this weekend. I am sure you will hear all about it next week. See you on Friday. Thank you for your time.


Dreary Day Blog


Two stories on a summer day