Huck & Slim go down Memory Lane

Hello, one and all. It’s been a minute. I don’t know at the time of writing if I have gotten a chance to write this forever-promised album review. I haven’t had a chance to sit down and take notes so I can at least pretend to sound like I know what I am talking about. This may be the first blog in a while. Full disclosure: I have been job hunting at the moment and so I have had to step away for a minute. I don’t know how many blogs I have missed. More than I would like to think probably. Storytime, by the way.

Recently, I ventured down to Waterford for my second-ever hometown open mic. The last one went so well. I was very excited about this one. I was even more excited this time because I was also going to be reuniting with my primary school best friend, Slim. We will call him Slim. He likes Eminem.

Slim and I hadn’t seen each other in many years. We called and touched base a couple of times a year but hadn’t seen each other in person in quite some time. It is true what they say. Adult friendships are difficult. Even when you are not busy, you are busy. Life gets in the way. In some cases, global pandemics get in the way. As I have been reconnecting with old friends over the past couple of years, I always explain it the same way to my parents: it’s not that we fell out. We just stopped talking. I was relieved when I found out that this is normal.

Slim was late, by the way. He will kill me for outing him like that. I didn’t mind. I got to take in the hometown a bit more. He eventually showed up and we had lunch in Wetherspoons. There is a Wetherspoons in Waterford now. Life is crazy. We sat and ate and reminisced about school days. We spoke about old classmates and discovered that we knew mutual people from later in life. Waterford isn’t that big after all. We gave life updates and quizzed each other on our individual families. It’s amazing the things you still remember.

The weather was not on our side that day, unfortunately. We did manage to stay dry most of the time. I had an umbrella in my car the whole time. Never thought to bring it with me. How very Fin of me. We spoke about music and creativity. Both of us continue to not like sports. That is probably why we became friends back in the day; almost twenty years ago at this stage. Our school was very sporty. We got by though. We eventually parted ways but not before promising to meet up again as soon as possible.

Here's a quick tip: Take a trip down memory lane with someone. It is trippy, exciting, and emotional. I would highly recommend it.

That’s all from me today. I hope you’re reading this, Slim. I will be asking. Thank you, other readers. And thank you for your time.


The Death of Randy Fitzsimmons


When things get too much