Fin Brennan

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Huck on the bus

I went to see OFF! on Tuesday. Remember OFF!? I met up with Billie beforehand for a few drinks. Because I am a responsible young man, I took the bus to Dublin instead of driving. How did it go? I missed driving. For the sake of a few pints, I am becoming less and less convinced that taking public transport for any length of time is ever worth it. In the end, Billie and I had a nice catch-up and a few tasty ciders on a cold November afternoon.

I have become annoyingly conscious of my time management these days. Before getting on the bus, I decided I would be productive and do a few things I rarely do on the bus. Don’t get any ideas…I meant I read something. I read a couple of newsletters and listened to the end of an audiobook. That went well. Since I had Apple Pages on my phone and never used it, I finally decided to try to write something on it. I am trying to get a habit going once again of writing every day. It went well.

Were there any colourful characters on the bus? Thanks for asking. There was a group of rowdy young men sitting directly behind me and this is what I wrote about. I hope you enjoy it. See you Monday for a review of that day in full.

Huck on the bus:

The bus gets rowdy when the rowdies get on. Huck was unsurprised at the possibility of it happening, but it happened, nonetheless.

“Don’t be scared of them”, he thought to himself. After all, if they were the violent sort, they would be removed without question. There are rules set in stone for that.

“Just listen to your meditation and get on with it”, he began reasoning with himself. Not that he would do anything about it anyway. It wasn’t worth the trouble. It’s never worth the trouble.

As Huck listened to his mediation, it was only then that he realized how close he was to this group of young troublemakers.

“Oh joy” Huck sarcastically remarked to himself. It was more noise to make his meditation just that more difficult.

When the meditation was done, Huck decided to read something on his phone. He wasn’t the kind of dude to bring books with him around the place. He wished he was. Maybe someday.

As he continued reading, the young men began vaping.

“How cool,” Huck thought again. At least it meant the smell of strawberries filled the air of the public bus. He had these young men to thank for that. Strangely enough.

Hello again. I hope you have a nice weekend. I don’t have anything major on. We shall see how that goes. Thank you for reading and thank you for your time.