I almost met Jamie Foxx.

Hello, and welcome to Monday. I hope you had a lovely weekend. I am all driven out at the moment. This means I have been driving a lot lately and need time not to drive. I went to see Anamoe Drive at The Workman’s Cellar on Saturday. I had a lovely time. Go check out his stuff if you like alt-folk-type stuff. Even if you don’t, expand your pallet a bit. It couldn’t hurt.

I told you I would tell you a story today. I will do that and then get out of your hair. I will try to be as detailed as possible. I signed an NDA, but most of it probably became irrelevant after I told you the story I am about to say to you.

So, Ya Boi (that’s me) is unemployed and has been for a while. I am not afraid to say that. Life is difficult to navigate sometimes. I have had spurts of employment over the past while, mainly through Movie Extras. I haven’t done many jobs but have had some luck recently. I am doing one over the next little while, which I won’t discuss today. It's going to be cool, though. One thing that I was going to do was be in the audience of a game show. That’s right. Those people who sit and watch people win money also get paid. Who knew? I know now.

As the new year came around, it took a while for the offers to return. Finally, something came up. It was an American game show filmed in Bray and hosted by Jamie Foxx. It was hard to comprehend how an American gameshow was filmed less than an hour from me. The TV and film world is weird. I was looking forward to it—so much so that it hurt my stomach, maybe too much. That’s when things went south.

The days leading up to the shoot day were getting increasingly iffy. My stomach was in knots most of the time. Any food I ate sat in my stomach longer than usual. It was concerning but not urgent. On the day of, I drove to the studio. My call time was 11 am. When you are asked to show up at a specific time, it’s a good while before you do what you are there to do, be it a doctor’s appointment, etc. This was no different. I arrived and sat in this warehouse with the other extras waiting to be called. My stomach was getting worse and worse. I didn’t think I was going to “relieve” myself one way or the other. I felt like you felt after a big dinner, even though I barely ate that day.

Cut to two hours later, and we were escorted into the studio. This is when I knew I had to make a choice. Did I feel like I could sit in this studio and be a high-energy audience member for two hours? I decided to bow out. I was gutted. I never even got to see Jamie Foxx in person or anything. The crew was very understanding about it, though—hats off. I still got paid for the two hours I was there. That’s pretty good going, I guess.

That’s enough of a sob story for one day. If you have some free time, doing extra work is fun (when you’re not unwell). See you on Friday for some Oscar talk, maybe. Thank you for reading, and thank you for your time.


Stuff I am up to


Leaving town