Fin Brennan

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Lazy blog

I had a lazy day today. That can happen. What can’t happen is I miss posting on blog day. So that is what I am doing. Welcome to the blog. I have no idea what I am going to write about today. I guess Fridays are reserved for my writing career outside the blog, if you can call it that. I had the pleasure of reciting a couple of poems at an open-air open mic (that sounds cool) last week. I had a nice time. I have become a travelling writer over the past few months. Unfortunately, as I mentioned last week, my car is a bit iffy, and I can’t drive him very far. Luckily, this open mic was only down the road. It was a long road. About half an hour, if you want to be pedantic. It went well. I met some lovely people, both familiar and new faces. The arts community where I live is strong, and I am so glad I finally realized that after becoming cynical for a while.

My writers’ group will break for the summer in two weeks. I have no idea what I can share on Fridays for the rest of the summer…I’ll figure it out. I have been twiddling away at a short story for a competition. That has been keeping my creative flame burning these days. I have a lot more attention span for the likes of those these days. It’s both a blessing and a curse.

In case you were wondering, said open mic was organized by The Wexford Bohemian editor Álanna Hammel. Álanna and Red Books are integral to the writing scene around these parts. Plus, it saves me not travelling too far afield to recite my poetry in front of incredibly supportive people. That’s enough brown-nosing for one blog, but I am glad they have created a great community.

That’s enough writing for me on this lazy day that I am having. Concerning Wednesday's blog, I hope you consider throwing a few quid my way at some point. I would be eternally grateful. I hope the weather treats you well wherever you are and that you don’t spend your time indoors like I am now.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for your time.