Fin Brennan

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Microfiction Madness

Hello, and welcome to Friday. This house has been chaotic this week. By chaotic, I mean busy. The weather has been bipolar where I am too. This isn’t Monday, and I won’t moan. I had an idea for today’s blog. As I mentioned on Monday, I went to a workshop last week. The facilitator, Jan Carson, among other things, has released a collection of micro-fiction.

I’ll be honest, dear reader; I didn’t know what that was. I have since learnt that it is right up my street. I have meant to sit down all week and give it a go. I only got a chance this morning because of the aforementioned craziness of the house this week. Man, I love living at home. Does that sound sarcastic enough textually?

I won’t release the whole piece, silly as that may seem considering how short it is, but it starts like this:

‘“Does the world really need me?” he thought to himself, retreating back to his fortress of solitude after a night-long quarter-life crisis.’

Do you like it? Of course, you do. That’s 22 words right there. The writers’ group has disbanded for the summer now. I need to pick up the slack for the Friday blogs. This little piece may be a start.

I am hopefully going to an open mic this evening. Weather permitting. I have a completely free weekend this weekend. I am sure I will fill it with something. I’m sure you will hear all about that on Monday. One of my journal apps challenged me to organize a self-date with myself. I may take a page from The Artist’s Way and go on an Artist’s Date. I think I’ll do that. I’m going to go ask myself out now. I hope I say yes. Wish me luck.

Thank you for reading. Maybe take yourself out on a date too. Thank you for your time.