My perfect Sunday

I set the exercises for my writers group this week. This one took inspiration from my time performing in a DCU Drama production of Jerusalem. It is a play set in the English West Country. Somebody in the cast found a video on YouTube of a farmer from the West Country. His accent was the base accent for the cast. Enjoy:

I wake up before everyone else. I do my morning routine and ritual. I shower, get dressed and go downstairs. I drink my morning coffee.

I drive to the beach and go for a long walk. I listen to podcasts or music. Whatever takes my fancy. I return home and get to work. I write one thousand words or for an hour. Whatever comes first.

I take a break and catch up with the wonderful world of YouTube and social media. I write some more until I get hungry and invite my family out to lunch. After that, I go back home for a final time and prepare for the week ahead. I do my evening routine. I journal and meditate on my day.

I drink some hot chocolate and retire to the sitting room. I watch telly for the night until I take out a book and read until bedtime.


Sunday with Mr. J


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