
Are you a fan of Key & Peele? Me too. Comedy Central has been rerunning the episodes recently and I am really enjoying the rewatch. One sketch that I am being reminded of today is the Black Republicans. Don’t worry, it’s not a political thing. I am reminded because, as the two characters say, today I am royally pissed. Welcome to Monday. Let’s have a bit of a moan.

Its Monday. Monday means a fresh start for me. I am sure I am not in the minority of saying this. New week, new me. New habits. New day. A week with no mistakes in it etc. I am sure you have heard this all before. I hear it every Sunday. However, as we already know, I am shit at Sundays. I had a good Sunday yesterday. I felt totally equipped to take Monday by the shoulders and dominate. Then Monday came. Today came. I slept terribly last night. I tried reading and not forcing myself into it. I heard that that’s not necessarily the way to go. Don’t ask me why. I am not a doctor. Long story short, I woke up late this morning. Late for me anyway. I spent the morning playing catch-up. Then I became so overwhelmingly distracted that I decided to pack things up and go to the library.

I am now at the library. The library is not a quiet place, as it turns out. I am sitting in their dedicated workspace area and honestly, it’s not ideal. I can’t believe how the sanctity of the library is not respected anymore. When you think library, what do you think of? You probably think of some TV show or film where the characters are in a library constantly being shushed by the librarian, a wrinkly old woman with glasses.

No such thing is happening right now. You know what is happening right now? I am listening to The Mindset Mentor podcast. He is great. My therapist recommended him to me. I would recommend him to you. Go listen if you want. Or don’t. I am not your dad. Probably. Today’s episode is about how we can’t change the world around us when we get annoyed. Boy, is that true today.

Another thing that I am being reminded of today in this state of pissed off-ness is a song. It’s a song by the band OFF! (remember when I wrote about them?). It’s a song called Pissed. I wore my OFF! t-shirt today. It’s my favourite one. I am going to see them live next month and I am very excited about it.

This blog doesn’t have a big audience. That I know for sure. But I don’t mind. If anything, it is a form of therapy for me. That’s all I really care about. Hence, today’s blog. I don’t know if it’s entertaining. All I know is that I rarely feel worse having written these two blogs weekly. Thank you for reading it. I do appreciate it.

I hope you enjoyed today’s blog. It is possibly the moaniest Monday blog so far. Maybe you will relate to these thoughts. I hope something resonates with you anyway. Thank you for reading and thank you for your time.


When I am pissed


A dream(ing) come true