Stay on top of the pile

Its Saturday. It’s Nollaig Na mBan. Those are two facts about my current situation, not the one you are in right now. Thank you to all the women in my life who make my life wonderful.

I know what you’re thinking: “Why are you writing your Monday blog on a Saturday, Fin?” Well, I am just having one of those days. It’s a good day. Welcome to the blog by the way. Let’s take a look at the year so far.

We are now a week into 2024. So far? Pretty good, I have to say. Compared to where I was this time last year, I will take any day better than that as a win. I have been doing a lot of life auditing. Two writers I follow, Mel Robbins and Mark Manson released their versions of life audits over the Christmas period. As of today, I have completed them both and I am exhausted. Who would have thought that trying to think deeply about where you want to be this time next year, who you want to be with, what you want to be doing with your life etc. could be so tiring? Well, it’s over now and I am making some practical decisions and trying to be as productive and proactive as possible. So far? Pretty good. But this is where I usually slip up.

I shouldn’t just single myself out because I am sure that I am not alone in saying that the first couple of weeks of the year are full of positive energy and attitudes and eventually that wears off pretty spectacularly. That’s when you have to stay on top of the pile. By pile, I mean your day-to-day tasks and mindset maintenance, among other things. Just keep everything in sight as best you can. This is not my terrible attempt at being a life coach or a self-help guru, but we all know it’s true. This is something that I am writing about for purely selfish reasons. I don’t want to have another 2023 in my future. That year was tough. Not all bad, but extremely tough. I am trying to make friends with 2024 as soon as possible. That is why I always introduce myself to the new year and ask it to be good to me and the people I love. It’s not a superstitious thing but it’s important to me.

I don’t want this year to end up being another tough one. I know there will be tough moments. I know there will be frustration and anger and all of that. But I also know that there will be fun and joy and opportunities that I know will help me grow.

I hope this year goes well for me and I hope it goes well for you. I hope to be in a much better consistent position this time next year. It’s both exciting and terrifying to think about it but I have to. We all have to. I tried the whole going with the flow mentality and it hasn’t always been successful. This year I hope I find a nice balance.

I hope you stay on top of your pile consistently this year. I know I won’t but that’s okay. I am just going to have to keep going and try again tomorrow. That’s all I have to say today. Thank you for reading. I will be back on Friday for some fictional stuff. Thank you for your time.


The Calendar


Huck’s favorite phone call