Fin Brennan

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Thanks Fred.

If there is one thing you should know about me, it’s that I am a productivity nerd. I am also a big self-help nerd. Like many of these things I currently obsess over, I have the pandemic to thank for it. I know for a fact I wasn’t the only person who thought when the pandemic hit: “I am going to write the greatest novel of all time and be famous!” Unfortunately, I was and still am not nearly disciplined enough to do so. But I’m getting better.

I have read, watched, listened to, attended all sorts of self help and creativity things. I am slowly getting better. Its one of the key ideas behind James Clear’s Atomic Habits. I would recommend that book to anyone. Even you.

One of the key ideas that has come up time and time again is the idea of an accountability partner. That is someone who holds you accountable for any projects you are trying to complete or habits you are trying to enforce. This is something I have never really done. I always knew I should, but who has the time? Recently it started happening pretty naturally.

I have a good friend who has started asking me about my blog and why I haven’t posted in so long. The answer I gave was that life got in the way. I know it was a pointless excuse. When life gets in the way, you power through. Like Rachel and Joey in that episode of Friends where they try dating.

I now have an accountability partner. I don’t think he knows that yet, but he will be reading this. So, this is my way of telling him officially. I’m going to call him Fred to respect his privacy. I chose the name Fred because he is a big fan of Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst. That isn’t true. That was just a joke to make him laugh. I’m sure you did, Fred.

I have an extremely supportive family at home. My mother, a fellow creative, is great a motivating me, or at least trying to. It’s a shame that when it is your parents telling you that the world is your oyster and you need to start taking the things you love seriously, it doesn’t hit home as much. I mean, of course she would say that. She’s my mother and she loves me. She asked me recently if I wanted to be her gym buddy. I said yes. We haven’t gone yet. But we will. I love you, Mam.

Back to Fred. Fred has his own thing going on. He is currently studying in college. He has a lot on his plate, but recently he has been checking in with me a lot more to see how I am getting on. It came as a surprise, but a nice one, nonetheless. So, thanks Fred.

Thank you for reading, as always. I don’t know what I will talk about tomorrow, so whatever comes out will be a surprise to both of us. Isn’t that nice?

Thank you for your time.