Fin Brennan

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The boat and the bird

Its Friday. Happy Friday to you. I hope you had a wonderful week. I am not sure entirely how my week went as I am writing this early in the week. It feels nice being on top of my blog again. We had a workshop with author Sheila Forsey this week at my writers' group. I learnt more about this whole writing thing and will never stop learning. It’s always fun getting a fresh perspective.

We created a character and some character traits as part of the workshop. We were given some time to write a few sentences inspired by it, and this is what I wrote:

A bird dropped a piece of bread onto the boat’s roof. Jane woke up in a cold sweat. The damp air mixed nicely with the smell of moss and dry grass.

Jane looked out the broken glass window and saw the bird fly away. She stumbled to the ladder and climbed slowly up to the roof of the boat. She saw the piece of bread already cooking in the Bolivian sun.

“Breakfast time”, she thought to herself.

It never fails to impress me how much you can get done writing in such a small amount of time. I was listening to a podcast interview with writer and teacher Matthew Dicks, and he said something I needed to hear. He told a quick story about meeting a woman to discuss a book she was working on. She arrived late and eventually told him she didn’t know when she would get the time to write the book. He made the point that he wrote a couple of sentences while he waited for her. I am probably butchering the story, but I hope the point is clear. Sheila said just as much on Monday to my group. It’s all about putting in the time. That’s what I have done today. That’s what counts.

I am going to an open mic on Friday. I may be going to a virtual one on Thursday too. I am trying to go to as many events as I can. I am starting to like reading my stuff. It’s what I want to get better at. Practice makes perfect, I guess.

There is also a thing in the pipeline that I genuinely can’t talk about, but it should be good if and when it happens.

Have a wonderful weekend. Go easy on yourself a bit. Thank you for reading, and thank you for your time.