The drinks fridge

I walked through the aisles of my local shop, passing everything: the fruit, the vegetables, the toiletries, the deli, etc. The afternoon rush was over. I timed my arrival to a tee. I didn’t know what I would have until I approached the deli counter upon returning after circling the shop once. When the lovely lady behind the counter asked me what I wanted, I opened my mouth and waited to see what came out.

It was a chicken fillet roll, in case you were wondering. It wasn’t a surprise to me or the deli worker, most likely. Now, onto the next part of my journey. It was beverage time.

I turned to face the drinks fridge, but not before I thanked the deli worker for her service. I scanned the refrigerator from left to right like a book. It had everything. I was spoilt for choice. There were fruit drinks for both the kiddies and non-kiddies. There was the new drinks craze called Kombucha (whatever it is). Then came the fun section. The Me section. The soft drinks section. Housed directly beside what looked like about 50 different brands of water stood the Cokes, the Diet Cokes, their superior cousin Pepsi, and the Lucozade family. Then there were my friends, the Red Bulls and the superior Monster Energy. My all-time favourite.

I know I shouldn’t have, but I did it anyway—even when they pump up the prices with this new Re-Turn scheme (or scam, whichever you prefer). It’s the muscle memory I can’t kick. From the moment it fell from that one vending machine many moons ago, that was the end of me. It could be worse, though. I could be one of those mocha latte people. Honestly, I think they are just showing off.


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Huck: The TV Star