Fin Brennan

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The in between

It was that time of year again. The most confusing time of the year. It was the in between. It was the time between Christmas and New Years where you didn’t know what was going on. Huck was no different.

Life was confusing. Huck felt a bit off. His stomach had been in knots all of Christmas Day and it was only now starting to relax a bit. He made the decision to cut down on the booze for a few days. He felt it was the best course of action. Life was easier when he didn’t drink. What a novel concept.

No drinking meant one thing: designated driver. That was going to be Huck’s life for the next couple of days. That’s okay. He was happy to do it. Christmas was a time of giving after all. His family had given him enough. It was the least he could do.

The storm outside had started brewing again in utter confusion. It was like the in between if it had a personality. Huck tried desperately to quash the storm in his head before the night’s end. So far so good. Now to try stay sane before New Years.