The last text I sent

Hello. Happy Friday. April is around the corner. Isn’t that terrifying? Just me? I had a meeting with someone recently to discuss my poetry collection. I love having these meetings with like-minded people. It kicks me up the ass. I need that to keep going. Things are looking up. We were asked to use the last text we received for this week's prompt and make a story out of it. Mine came from one I sent to my friend Kurt. He noticed I hadn’t uploaded my blog, and I realised I hadn’t pressed save. I decided to say sod it and upload it late. I didn’t say sod it. You know what I said. It’s in the following piece. Enjoy.

Mr Butterfly was working late last night in the office. He worked late most nights. He would be lucky if he got home at 3 am.

His head was struggling to stay afloat above all the responsibility and work that needed to be done. His head was finding it difficult not to slam on the table as he worked away. This, also, was not unusual.

The article needed o be sent in by 5 am. It was now just past 2 am, and he reached the end of his rope. He had 200 words to go. Eventually, he got there.

The next morning, he woke up to nine missed calls from his boss. He also had several voicemails. All from Mr Mullins.

“Butterfly, where is my article?” barked Mr Mullins on the other line.

“I am so sorry, sir. I must have forgotten to press upload when I finished.”

“Well, that’s your wages for the week. Try better next week.” Mr Mullins hung up.

Mr Butterfly looked at the unsent document on his laptop.

“Fuck it”, he said and pressed send.

I hope you have a nice weekend. I am going to an open mic tonight to try and get some of my poetry out into the world before the poetry collection comes out. There will be an update on that next week. Keep an eye out. I will also see Henry Rollins this weekend with my buddy Nick (shout out to Nick Cave). I am excited. I hope you have some nice plans. I hope the weather holds up too.

Thank you for reading. Don’t forget to eat some fruit. See you on Monday. Thank you for your time.


Luas Park and Rollins


Please No Nepotism