The Umpteenth Time

I don’t know if today’s post is going to be long. Whatever length it turns out to will be a surprise to both of us. I didn’t know if I was going to have time to write today, so I made time. That is one of the things I have read countless amounts of times and attempted countless amounts of times. You, lovely reader, are bearing witness to the umpteenth time I have tried to stick to a strict writing habit. To be honest, there will most likely be umpteen more. I don’t know how many times that is. My guess is a lot.

I have read all about writers and their routines. I have tried to copy said routines and some work for me and some don’t. It is a cliché, but we are all different in how we work. The best thing to do is to pick and choose. That is what I have started doing. It works just fine.

I have a MA degree. Humble brag. It was possibly the most difficult year of my life. That’s another story. One thing I took away from it was something the head of the program said on the first day. We were asked to talk about ourselves and why we were there. Very typical stuff. I mentioned that I love to write but couldn’t get anywhere with it and said I thought a degree in journalism would help. The course head then said to me that “the best way to improve your writing is writing every day, writing every day and writing everyday”.

This is what I am trying, yet again. It is difficult. Life gets in the way. But that’s life. That’s it for today. Thank you for attending my Ted Talk.

You are looking well today. Thank you for reading and thank you for your time.


Maybe tomorrow


Day of birth party