
We are just going to get into it today. Welcome to Monday. Let’s have a bit of a moan. I had a lovely weekend. I hope you did too. The weather was lovely where I live. I trust it was good where you were too. I was feeling great throughout the weekend. Everyone around me was as well. I walked a lot. As we came into a new month, I decided to try to kick-start my exercise regime again. I am unsure what to write about today if you can't tell already. I have been having a pretty meh morning. I made the mistake of allowing others to dictate my time. Little tip: don’t do that. It’s your time. Anyway, walking.

During 2020 I walked a lot. I don’t do it as much now that I have a car. Now that my car has a few issues, I am walking again. I decided to up my daily move goal on my health app on my phone and see what would happen. A lot of positive things happened. All these self-help gurus and doctors say you should get up and out as early as possible in the morning. Their reasoning was sun exposure. As someone who lives in Ireland, I found that quite humorous. But it does work. The sun is there, even if clouds are too. I decided to start walking down my road. Over the weekend, I decided to walk to the nearest village. All good options. The only downside is the time consumption. Going back to earlier, I don’t want external influences on my time. I know it’s a good way to spend time, so it’s not that bad. I don’t think I will do it every day. Maybe just the weekend.

It’s great for the ol’ noggin too. I have my daily morning podcasts to listen to and music too. There’s a cool feature on my phone where they have walking storytelling by famous people. I’ve only done it once, but I liked it. I listened to Dolly Parton tell me all about her life. It was nice. I won’t say what phone I have, but you can probably guess.

Cut to today, and the rain has come. It’s a damn shame. I did get a short walk in earlier, but now I am unsure if I can get out again. We had a good run, though, and I am sure it will return eventually. The main thing to remember is consistency, cliché as it may be.

That’s all I have to say on this gloomy Monday in June. I hope you have a great week. I hope the good weather returns. I will be back on Friday with some fiction to share. It will most likely be based on real life. That’s what true artists do, right?

Thank you so much for reading this rambling blog. Have a great day. Have a great week. Thank you for your time.


Two stories on a summer day


Lazy blog