Fin Brennan

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What has been going on

Hello and welcome to Friday. I hope you are well. I know this isn’t Monday and so moaning is off the table. However, I would like to share that our beloved family member and dog, Pepper, has been on her last legs now for the past week. At the time of writing, she is still with us but it is only a matter of time. I will write an entire blog when the time is right.

I was hanging out with Jack during the week. We have become each other’s accountability buddies when it comes to performing at open mics and it has been a lot of fun. We hope to do a couple more before the end of the year. Boy, did this year fly? I hope you are enjoying the nice weather, by the way. Anyway, I digress. I lent Jack my copy of Austin Kleon’s Steal Like an Artist trilogy and he loved them. I haven’t read them in a while. I may do it again because they are short, and I have no attention span whatsoever. I know, it’s crazy for a writer (and by default, reader) to say that. Jack set up his own social media accounts for his poetry and I followed suit.

Therefore, if you would like to see what I am up to poetry-wise, you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram for solely poetry-based things. All my blog promotions can be found in the usual places.

That’s enough for one Friday. We as a family are in for a tough couple of days but life goes on, my friends. Remember that.

Thank you for reading and thank you for your time.