You never had none

I wrote this during my writers group meeting. The prompt was to choose a book, go to the seventh page to the seventh line and continue the sentence. So here you go:

“You never had none, you crazy bastard. I got both of your tablets right here”, Louise said trying to contain her temper. Norman thought to himself for a moment and looked under his armchair. Louise walked around to the same side, looked at him and sighed.

“They’re not there, Norm. I checked, like you asked me to.”

“I don’t believe you” Norman replied, not making eye contact.

“What else is new?” Louise muttered to herself.

I may continue to upload pieces from my writer’s group if I like them enough. Unfortunately, I can’t share ones I am truly proud of because I may want to enter them into competitions. That’s a shame for you, dear reader, but you may see them published elsewhere. Here’s hoping anyway.

That’s all from me today. I hope the weather is nice wherever you are. Its currently raining here. Have a lovely day.

Thank you for reading and thank you for your time.


Your ghost outfit
