200 words

200 words. That’s all I try to do. 200 measly words. 200 silly little words that make sense somehow. This is all I try to do in a day. This is going to be a peak behind the curtain, so to speak. Hello and welcome to Monday. Let’s have a bit of a moan.

Originally, I was going to be writing about my experience going to see OFF! (remember OFF!?) at The Grand Social. I think I will leave that until Friday. I am terribly sorry if that was what you were expecting to read today. I am currently not in the right headspace to do that. It has been a busy morning full of distractions, as is the norm at this stage. We have good days and also have bad days.

All I ever want to accomplish in a day is to write 200 words of original material. That way I can always say I wrote something today. Don’t ask me where “200” came from. It seemed like a manageable goal to achieve. I have been getting better at practising this daily. It’s getting easier every day. This sentence ends on the 200th word of this blog. How cool is that?

At least I have Mondays for accountability. I have to write this silly little blog of mine. I have started to keep a tally of days I write 200 words and as the days go on, I really don’t want to break the chain. That’s a good mindset to have. I know I won’t always achieve it, but I have gotten into a good rhythm recently.

That’s enough blabbering for one day. I hope you had a nice weekend. I will see you on Friday for that live review of that gig. Thank you for reading. Thank you for being you. Thank you for your time.


Huckleberry goes to a punk show


Huck on the bus