Huckleberry goes to a punk show

I went to a proper punk rock show recently. I am going to talk about it now. Welcome to Friday. Here is my experience going to see OFF! at The Grand Social.

Billie and I met up beforehand. He wasn’t going to the show, but he must like me or something because he agreed to go for a few after-work drinks. As soon as I arrived, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t make the same mistake I made when I saw The Chats in May. Remember that? No, I decided to pace myself and be a bit more mature when it came to alcohol consumption. After a couple of rounds and a sharing of cheesy chips, we parted ways.

I had never been to The Grand Social before. I have walked past it many times but have never seen the inside. When it comes to Dublin venues, it’s on the smaller side. I knew this much going into the show. The main venue was around the back and up some stairs. The bar area itself is very punk rock. Let me put it this way: I felt very out of place there. As a lover of punk rock music, I certainly don’t match the whole attitude externally. I am a big ol’ nerd.

After a quick trip to the bathroom and walking by two members of OFF! (freaking out a bit), I made my way to the bar. I had two choices: alcoholic or non-alcoholic. I chose non-alcoholic simply because it’s free. But that’s just me.

Taking to the stage before OFF! was an East Coast band named Teen Mortgage. I really enjoyed their set. A two-member group, there was something familiar and nostalgic about their sound. It’s just straight-up in-your-face stoner punk rock if that even is a genre. I was thoroughly impressed. Go out of your way to listen to them.

The one thing I always love is shows with not too many support acts. I know it’s different circumstances, but Fred and I have been to Slane Castle twice and each time we were exhausted purely by the fact it’s basically a one-day festival. It may suit some people but it’s not what I am into these days. After not a lot of waiting around, OFF! took to the stage. It’s always strange being so close physically to people you’ve only seen through a screen. Thank you for that, YouTube.

So, how did the show go? Pretty well. I knew what to expect. It was 90-second songs one after the other in quick succession with little talk in between besides singer Keith Morris (the first singer for Black Flag) trying to auction off his used tissue. Very punk rock.

The songs kept coming and the circle pits and mosh pits kept circling and moshing. I am not a mosher, but I may as well be one given the size of this room. I managed to stay on my feet which is an achievement not everyone around me can boast.

At some point, the songs just stopped. There was no “this is our last song”. There was no “thanks for coming”. Very punk rock. The band just left. So, I left. I love punk rock, but I think the shows might feel a little less “meh” if I were there with someone else. Now I am just thinking out loud.

There are plenty of live videos of OFF! on YouTube if you don’t want to make your way to a show. I would still highly recommend them. Go out of your way to listen to Teen Mortgage too. These up-and-coming bands always need some love.

That’s enough for one Friday. I am going to go for a walk in the cold. It’s my favourite thing to do this time of year. Thank you for reading and thank you for your time.


Off the grid (at home)


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