A new day

As of today, I have entered a new phase in life. What does that mean? There is not a lot to look forward to these days. That’s not strictly true. I have a live event on Friday and a concert next month, but I have just come out of a very busy period in my life. Now I am trying to catch my breath and get used to not having places to be. It is kind of refreshing and terrifying at the same time.

Having worked in a school the past couple of years and now being relieved of my duties, it is strange seeing schools back in full force and I am not there. This is where I am finding it hard to comprehend how to spend my time. I guess this blog is taking up some of that time. I am happy to have it. I am happy you are reading. Thank you.

I spent this past weekend at Write by The Sea festival. I had a wonderful time. It felt good meeting likeminded people. I also went to a wrestling show in Dublin. I did a lot. I kept saying yes to opportunities. I think I am burnt out. It happened to me before at the start of the summer.

I will be honest with you, dear reader, I had a small anxiety attack this morning. It was the first one in a while. It is not a nice feeling. I am going to talk to somebody this week. I think I need to recharge the batteries a bit. This is a new chapter and that’s okay. Literally everyone goes through it. I am in that adjustment period.

You know what I did today? I went for a walk. It was my first proper walk in a quite some time. It felt great. I would highly recommend it. It doesn’t have to be long. Between half an hour and an hour. That’s all it takes.

This post has been a bit all over the shop today. Hopefully tomorrow’s one will be a little bit more coherent. Thank you for reading. I hope you are doing okay. If not, you got this! I believe in you. Thank you for your time.


The weather outside is weather


I wrote today