The weather outside is weather

The weather is back. The harsh weather I mean. The winter weather to be fair. I am not surprised. I’ve lived in this country my whole life. But we are definitely heading into winter. I am okay with that. I enjoy winter. I like Christmas. I don’t like snow. I can take or leave Halloween. On this particular day, the rain has come. Oh, the joys. It is what it is. On the plus side, I have a reason to sit here and write this crappy blog. I don’t really know where this post in going today. Let’s find out together, shall we?

The title of this blog post is a reference to Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Remember that film? What a great film that is. I’m a huge fan of Jason Segel. I feel a strange connection to him. This is getting into some psychoanalytical territory. I will stop it there.

This current paragraph you are reading comes a couple of minutes after the start of this blog post. I didn’t know what to write about. I know I can literally talk about anything. Its my blog, for God’s sake. I realised I didn’t go into much detail about the wrestling show I went to on Sunday. So here it goes:

I went to OTT Wrestling’s show in Dublin on Sunday. I had a wonderful time. I had to decide between the show and another event. I made the right decision. OTT is great. I have it on good authority that even non-wrestling fans enjoy it. Go in with an open mind. Seriously. Give it a go.

You’ve heard of WWE, right? Well, they used to have UK division. They don’t anymore. They let a lot of wrestlers go recently. It’s obviously very upsetting seeing people you are fans of losing a steady income job. But there is one plus side. They get steady income from independent companies, like OTT. That means I get to see these talented folk in a more intimate setting. It sounds selfish in a way. But it’s important to support the people you like.

This happened on Sunday. Three former WWE wrestlers made an appearance on the show. A lovely time was had by all. A lot of international wrestlers say that Irish wrestling fans are some of the best crowds. I believe that to be true. I am biased.

We got there in the end, ladies, and gentlemen. I reached a reasonable word count and so I am going to draw this post to a close. I really hope the weather wherever you are is good. I hope you have a great day. Thanks for reading.

Thank you for your time.




A new day