Huck is busy again

Remember when I used to blog about how busy I was? Remember when I used to blog about when I got a job and how it wouldn’t affect my creative output? Yeah, it happened again. I must now eat my words and apologize to you, dear readers. Welcome to Monday. Let’s moan a bit about how busy I am.

My parents like to say (and happy belated Father’s Day to my dad and all the other Dads out there) that it's good to be busy. I am still trying to figure out how busy I can get without fully imploding. It sounds dramatic. I know. Right now, I am balancing this job, my creative pursuits, and miscellaneous tasks and events I want to attend because life is for living.

This is a long-winded way of saying that my priorities are a bit all over the shop lately, and I haven’t been dedicating the time I need evenly across all my tasks. I am fully aware of the situation, and it annoys me. Between working and time off and all the other things I have on my calendar, I have constantly told myself, “I just have to dedicate some time to sort all this crap out”; and I haven’t. Woe is me, I guess. Fin doesn’t have time. He…I mean, I do. I just haven’t been dedicating enough time to what truly matters. Have you been there? Of course, you have. You are human like me.

So, I ask you, dearest reader, when do you find the time to dedicate to the things that matter, and why do I already know what you will say? “People aren’t busy. People just have priorities”. I heard that once. It’s true. I am not busy. I don’t dedicate time to the right stuff when the time is there. Woe is me. Anyway. I digress. I am going to go now and be in the audience of a game show again. Thank you for reading and thank you for (making) your time (available to me).


Life etc.


Sleep (or what happens sometimes)