Sleep (or what happens sometimes)

I haven’t been sleeping well these days. I think it’s all the late-night travel I have been doing. That can’t be helped. This is also partially one of the reasons I haven’t been up to date with these blogs. Well, these words you are reading were written on Monday so currently I am a week ahead. Good for me. This short piece I wrote is some sort of journal entry I wrote just to let out the frustration I was feeling at the time about the lack of sleep I was getting. I hope you like it.

Sleep (or what happens sometimes):

I wish I knew how to sleep

I get how it goes:

Breath in, out, in, out

Until your brain gets the idea.

Sleep doesn’t come easy these days

Not enough anyway

Sleep hates me

I think, sometimes, maybe.

I know it’s important

But does my body know that?

My guess is: sometimes.

Well, “sometimes” doesn’t work for me

What am I missing? Does anyone know?

Is there a club?

A membership?

I need answers!

Preferably last night

But I’m not fussy.

At least not right now

Ask me tomorrow morning.

Again, I don’t know what you would call it. It’s not a poem. Not prose either. Nonetheless, it’s now out in the open. Maybe you resonate with some of it. If you do, my sympathies. That’s enough for one Friday. See you on Monday. Thank you for reading and thank you for your time.


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