Fin Brennan

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I’m back

I’m back, baby! Where have I been? Nowhere, physically. Emotionally and mentally, I have been taking an absolute hammering. It was a horrible place to be in mentally, but I am now pretty much back. That’s where I have been. Hello. Welcome to Monday. You look great today.

As you may have read on Friday, I am doing Movember this year as I have been doing the past couple of years. I am enjoying this patch of facial hair above my top lip. I haven’t named him or anything. I will be saying goodbye to him at the end of this month anyway. Yes, he is him.

I digress. It has been a tough while mentally recently. It hasn’t been fun. I had some kind of an anxiety attack just before the weekend. It was the first in quite some time. It was not an enjoyable experience. Unfortunately, I haven’t quite bounced back yet. I am better than I was. I think I can say I am back. I had a good start to this Monday. Writing this blog on a Monday always gives it structure, which I like.

I spoke to a couple of people about this anxiety I have been having. That helped. It is a cliché, but it does help to talk it out. Over this difficult period of my life, I neglected journaling. I neglected a lot of things. That was an obvious mistake. I knew it at the time, and I know it now. I think I needed that time and space to kind of build myself up again. I knew I would be ready to get back on the horse at some point. I just didn’t know when. Thankfully, I am now there.

This is all relevant to Movember. The campaign is for men’s mental health, suicide prevention and testicular cancer. Once again, please consider donating a couple of quid here.

Thank you so much for reading this rambling of trying to find my feet again. I am still trying to process it all. Thankfully, it is going well. Thank you for donating and thank you for your time.