The accidental moustache.

I started making waves on a creative project I have been thinking about for a long time. I am pretty excited about it. I won’t be divulging a lot of information just yet. Just know that it’s going to be happening at some point. Is that vague enough? Okay. Welcome to Monday, by the way.

Today, I wanted to tell you about something that has been happening lately: hair growth. Not the hair on my head or anywhere else on my person. I am talking about facial hair. As most of you who have met me will know, I have nearly always had some semblance of facial hair. I have always wanted to have a beard. I think it suits me. I like how it looks on me. I wish I could say the same for my mother. I do fall into the cliché of having a mother who thinks I “shouldn’t hide my lovely baby face.” This is a battle I have been fighting for a couple of months and may do for the rest of my life. But it's my face, my rules.

A few years ago, I took my beard care very seriously. I still do today, but it's just less extreme. I went the whole hog. I am talking beard oil, beard balm, beard shampoo, and, to top it all off, moustache wax. This lasted until there was no more of the moustache wax left. This was purely an experiment and one I am glad to have at least tried. Since then, I have been clean-shaven and had a beard on and off. My saying is that I usually just let the beard grow and shave it off again when I get bored and start again. Fast forward to a couple of years later, i.e. today, and something strange is happening. This handlebar-esque moustache that I meticulously started growing and taking care of years ago has come back all by itself, curled and everything. You see, back when I first wanted to develop one and have a decent beard to go with it, I had to shape it and make sure it was growing the way I wanted it to. Today, it has learnt its lesson, and there is minimal effort on my part. Hence, the accidental moustache.

Another reason I give my mother when she asks me why I bother having facial hair is because not all men can grow one to a “standard” level. I have to count myself lucky on that front. Not all dudes can grow beards. I can, and that’s a nice thing.

Thank you for reading this reasonably self-indulgent blog today. I hope the weather is decent where you are. I am going to work on this super-secret project now. Thank you for reading and for your time.


Work on yaself


The lazy poem