The lazy poem

I’m feeling a bit lazy today. I happen to be writing this on the day it comes out. Although I don’t work on Fridays, I had to go to work today for a bit. After all that chaos, I am sitting here now and trying to pluck up the will to write something before 5 pm. Luckily for me (and for you, to some degree), I forgot I wrote a poem about being lazy, and since that seems to be the theme of the day, I thought I would share. It’s called “lazy” and it goes like this:


Hi lazy

I’m world

I know that doesn’t make sense

But I’m just too lazy to fix it

I don’t like to talk about elephants

Not even when they are talking about me

I’m just too sensitive, you see

I’m as lazy as they come

As lazy as can be

They talk about others

They talk about you

The annoying thing is

You know exactly what to do

I’m ready willing and able

But too lazy too

That leaves me with pain

That leaves me with sorrow

How many times have I said:

“I guess I’ll do it tomorrow”

In my heart, I’m not lazy

The last time I remember working hard

Is a little hazy

If I get this very poem written today

Well, that’s just gravy

That’s enough for one day. I am going to go off and try to do something mildly productive. See you on Monday. Thank you for reading and for your time.


The accidental moustache.


Huck watches people go on dates