The adventures of Kurt and Huckleberry

Kurt and I went on a bit of a pub crawl last night. We don’t do that very often, so I was very much looking forward to it. We had a lovely meal in a restaurant beforehand and then hit the first bar. I have brought the bar home with me. Allow me to explain. Hello and Happy bank holiday Monday. I can’t believe it’s May. This whole year needs to slow the heck down.

Kurt texted me earlier in the week and said he would be free on Sunday. He didn’t have work today because of the bank holiday. Lucky for me, I don’t have to punch a clock today either, but for different reasons. As I said, we don’t go out on the town much. It’s not our scene. We go to the first place, a kind of sports bar-type place. Kurt likes it there. It’s close to an Asian takeaway he likes, too, so that’s convenient. The snooker was on. I have unironically enjoyed watching the snooker over the past few weeks. I am starting to see the appeal. After a couple of rounds and a shot of cock sucking cowboy (unfortunately, a very tasty shot), we moved on to the next place.

Next, we go to your more traditional “auld fellas” pub. I most frequent this pub because it’s where all the local theatre folk escape. Plus, it was where my parents used to go when they were my age, so I am carrying on the legacy, which is nice. I moved over to the Jack & Cokes for the next while. We then tried to go to the town's most popular bar/club. At some point, we went to another place, just had one shot, and left. I can’t remember exactly when we did, so I will say that here. I don’t want to lie to you, dear reader.

We didn’t get in. Let me just put that out there now. We tried twice. Both times, spectacularly failed to get in. We are both pushing 30. Trying to get into a club brings back strange memories from my younger years. Neither good nor bad, mind you.

Finally, we went to a place neither of us wanted to go to, but we probably spent the most time there. It was the kind of place that was almost “too easy” to get into, and I feel like many younger people in the town know this as well. Kurt and I used to go there quite a bit back in the day. My Mam heard that people do drugs in the bathroom a lot. So, we didn’t go there after that plea from her. To be honest, there are much better places than this place. After exploring the place a bit and discovering they have a very sad attempt at a dancefloor upstairs, we decided we had enough and went and bought garlic bread from a takeaway. It was the perfect way to end the night, in my opinion.

Kurt has gone home, and I am sitting in my kitchen writing this with Pepper, keeping watch of the house and the dishwasher blasting a full speed. Am I hungover? Not really. But I have brought the bar home with me. It’s hard to explain, but I feel like people can relate. It’s the kind of cloak of warmth you feel around your whole body. You can still feel the cigarette smoke and the loud music. It must mean we did it right. Could I go out again tonight? No. These nights out are a lot nicer when the are far and few between. I am okay with that.

Thank you for reading. I hope you had a great bank holiday Monday. See you on Friday for some fiction. Maybe. Probably. Thank you for your time.


A couple of things


The boat and the bird