Time for a change

I woke up late today. But I’ll be damned if I don’t write something. I got to keep those miles up. There are writers out there who are full time bloggers. Many of them are quite successful. When you start off doing this ridiculous thing, many people have their two cents as to what is the best way to start. I have received many pieces of advice from all sorts of creatives. The vast majority of the advice has been sound. In starting this writing gig, the advice ranges from getting to know people in the business to starting a blog. Oh look, I’m doing that second one.

Writers really need a reason to get out of bed in the morning. It can be incredibly disheartening when you are not making a living from the thing that makes you the happiest. In my grand old age of 26, I realise now that there are not many people who make a living solely from this. Stephen King does. George R.R. Martin does. Even that author who we can’t talk about anymore. The one who wrote about that wizard school. That one.

I like writing. I don’t tell myself that often. I need to remind myself from time to time. Sometimes I don’t believe myself, call myself names and go into a different room. The only trouble is that I can’t get away from myself. The only way to do so is to create a world where I can escape to without having to leave. I guess that’s one of the reasons I do what I do. It makes sense.

I don’t just write nonsense blog posts about nothing. I write poetry as well. I decided yesterday that I would see about getting a collection of poetry put together. It has been on my to do list forever. Once again, I had to remind myself that it was something I wanted to do. I can be very forgetful at times.

I also like writing screenplays. I have been writing a film for over ten years now. I am sure I will mention it at a later date. Its good. Trust me. I have been telling people that for so long that maybe it will be true.

It feels good switching between different writing disciplines. I say “discipline” when I can hardly sit myself down for an hour at a time. I have a lot of writing in my collection to prove that I can do this. Some of it is good. Some of it is bad. The vast majority of it is bang average. What I realised I needed was a project to work on and work on it until its done.

So that is what I am going to do and do well. I will still be post on to this blog. Maybe not as regularly. Maybe shorter entries. Most likely fewer good ones. That was a joke. As I said before, the majority is bang average.

Thank you for reading and thank you for your time.


Lets do a fight


Since before that thing