Huck gets drunk…twice

Happy Bank Holiday Monday, one and all. I hope you had a lovely weekend. You can probably guess what I got up to over this bank holiday from the title. That’s what I am sharing with you today. Welcome to Monday, by the way.

Not only was it the bank holiday weekend, but I am also off work for the next two weeks. I knew going into this weekend that I was going to be going all out for once. I am usually pretty tame when going out on the town. From that, it sounds like I was “on the town.” I wasn’t. I am getting too old for that crap.

Remember when Kurt brought me whiskey tasting? That evening, Billie texted me and invited himself down for the aforementioned bank holiday. It was something to look forward to. I don’t get a lot of those moments these days.

In the days leading up to the weekend, I forgot that WWE SummerSlam was also that Saturday. You know I like my wrestling, but I wasn’t going to prioritise that over my time with Billie, even though I am quite fond of him. Billie wasn’t staying the night, though. We planned to get an early dinner and go for pints. This was the first instance of the drunken shenanigans. Again, I say “drunken shenanigans”. It was simply a couple of buddies having about three pints and getting borderline tipsy. Billie had to go back on the bus after all. We are both smart guys.

Billie and I had a lovely time and parted ways. The parents were going to be going out with friends soon. I had a free house. SummerSlam was tonight. These were some of, if not all, of the factors I considered when it came to spending my evening.

With that, I drank a bottle of water, bought a few more cans and treats, and headed home (I got a lift. Calm down). By the time I had some dinner, I had about two hours to kill at home by myself before the wrestling started. I was texting with Kurt, and he was also home alone. So, we video-chatted for what was intended to be an hour or two. It ended up being most of the night. SummerSlam was in full swing; I drank the recently purchased cans and talked nonsense with my best friend. This was the second drunken shenanigans of my day. This time, it hit differently. I kept telling myself I felt fine, and I did. I had a lovely time. The parents came home, and I went to bed and continued watching SummerSlam (stopping at some point). I woke up with a sore stomach and a throbbing headache, as expected. All in all, it was a lovely day and night (into early morning [meaning I didn’t get my sleep back on track until last night]).

Hang out with your friends once in a while. I know I keep harking on about it these days, but sometimes you forget to. I know I did for a while. Thank you for reading and for your time.


Jam (a poem about friendship)


Harry Baker is his name.